
March 11, 2015

1 Min Read
Omron A22R pushbuttons


Omron A22R pushbuttons

The new A22R line of 22-mm-diameter pushbuttons and selector switches feature a gleaming metal bezel that offers panel builders an aesthetic option for machine controls in packaging lines. The switch units allow configuration changes to match contact requirements, and reportedly are quickly serviced with plug-in replacements. The A22R series is available in a wide range of colors; lighted models are notable for their uniform illumination. Choose from the A22R non-lighted pushbutton, A22RL lighted pushbutton, A22RS non-lighted selector switch, A22RW lighted selected switch, A22RK keyed selector switch and M22R pilot lights (without the metal bezel).

Omron Automation and Safety, 866-88-OMRON.

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