David Bellm

March 11, 2015

1 Min Read

The F4.1 rinser works together with the F4.1 filler as a filling solution for low to moderate production speeds or pilot plants. The rinser provides maximum contact time at a high level of sanitation. As a bottle approaches the rinser, there is a split conveyor bed where the bottle transfers to the rinser conveyor to eliminate passing the other conveyor and its contaminates through the machine. The bottle can then be sprayed externally and flipped upside down and rinsed with a substance of your choice. The rinser can use many different types of media to sanitize including: alcohol, water, sterile water, compressed air, sterile air, HEPA filtered air, hydrogen peroxide, parasitic acid and a variety of chemicals.

Fogg Filler, 616/786-3644. www.foggfiller.com


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