UBM launches Automation Technology DigestUBM launches Automation Technology Digest

March 11, 2015

3 Min Read
UBM launches Automation Technology Digest
Automation Technology Digest logo


Automation Technology Digest logo

UBM Canon today announces enhancements to its portfolio of products that facilitate business transactions within the automation component of advanced manufacturing. On the media side, the company is launching Automation Technology Digest, a bi-weekly digital newsletter for the industry's most actively engaged decision-makers. In addition, UBM Canon's long-standing Assembly & Automation Technology Expo will in 2013 serve as the core component of an expanded trade show in Chicago branded Automation Technology Expo (ATX) Midwest.


Automation Technology Digest will be delivered by email twice per month to an audience of more than 275,000 industry professionals. Special editions of Automation Technology Digest will also highlight each of the six UBM Canon Automation Technology Expo (ATX) shows throughout the year. Coverage will include emerging automation news and trends, in-depth application stories, and details of the latest product releases by show exhibitors. This content will be drawn from well-known and reliable UBM brands - such as Design News, Packaging Digest, EE Times and others - as well as from specialized industry experts and suppliers who are shaping automation's future.


"Automation Technology Digest will be our first offering specifically directed towards the hundreds of thousands of individuals who need to stay current on the latest automation developments across all fields of industry," said UBM Canon's editorial director John Kalkowski. "Moving forward, we plan a full suite of related media products that will serve as essential tools for anyone whose career depends on achieving maximum efficiency and quality in their manufacturing operations."


Automation Technology Expo (ATX) Midwest will be the latest addition to UBM Canon's family of automation shows, which were launched June 2005 in New York and have grown to five shows this year in North America. ATX Midwest will be vastly different from the assembly-only show whose origin dates back to 1980, when Reed Exhibitions launched Assembly Technology Expo. That event was subsequently sold to Canon Communications in 2006. Since then, Canon has co-located the show with others to create a full-spectrum design and manufacturing event. At the same time, the company has expanded the scope of the show-from solely assembly to a much broader range of automation products and services-and as a result, rebranded it Assembly & Automation Technology Expo in 2010.


"The 2013 rebranding to ATX Midwest sends the right message about the show, namely that it is about a lot more than just assembly" notes Josh Dome, UBM Canon's portfolio director for North American events. "Automation is a multifaceted and expansive part of the manufacturing process, spanning all industries, including medical/pharmaceutical, food/beverage, consumer products, aerospace, instrumentation and control, computer and electronics, industrial/chemical and allied products, and automotive/transportation."


UBM Canon also points out that because ATX shows are presented in a co-located format alongside other industry-relevant shows, ATX exhibitors meet decision-makers from all industries who are potential sourcing solutions for both the near and long term. For example, the company's tracking indicates that 44% of the new leads for exhibitors in the 2011 Assembly & Automation Technology Expo were attendees from the other co-located shows.


Source: UBM Canon

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