Bowl-and-sleeve packaging ‘elevates’ Ready Pac salads

Kate Bertrand Connolly 1, Freelance Writer

December 4, 2015

3 Min Read
Bowl-and-sleeve packaging ‘elevates’ Ready Pac salads
Colorful sleeve for pre-made salad-in-a-bowl showcases the ingredients, along with the product's health benefits.

The new elevĀte brand of salads from Ready Pac Foods Inc. packs a punch with its clean ingredients list and creative packaging design.

Launched in November, the eight salads in the product line are made with “superfoods” like chia seeds, goji berries, walnuts, kale, broccoli, almonds and blueberries. The recipes also incorporate ingredients that are organic and non-GMO (genetically modified organisms).

The primary food packaging is a transparent plastic bowl topped with flexible lidding; the bowl is tucked into a paperboard sleeve. Graphics on the sleeve are colorful and fun, incorporating health benefits and photos of ingredients.

Tristan Simpson, chief marketing officer at Ready Pac, answers some questions about the elevĀte packaging.

How are the multiple components in the salad packaged? Are they kept separate inside the package?

Simpson: The contents are packaged similar to the Ready Pac line of Bistro Bowl Salads. The ingredients and salad dressing are all packaged separately, with a fork included for easy, on-the-go eating.

Are these salads designed to be mixed and eaten in the package?

Simpson: Yes, all elevĀte superfood salads are designed to be mixed and then eaten directly from the packaging (bowl).

Why is it important that consumers see the contents in the store?

Simpson: A consumer research study we conducted showed that the full sleeve actually helped tell the story behind the elevĀte brand and its clean ingredients. Additionally, the ability to move the sleeve to inspect the product is an important element for consumers.

How do consumers know to remove the sleeve in the store?

Simpson: The sleeve does not completely cover the bowl. The top and bottom ends of the bowl are visible to the consumer for further inspection. The sleeve is also easy for consumers to remove.

What are the dimensions of the package?

Simpson: The dimensions are 6.5 inches wide by 6.6 inches high. The bowl is 6.75 inches, so it peeks out from the top and sides, and consumers can see our fresh and delicious base of nutrient-dense leafy greens.

How are the packages displayed at retail?

Simpson: The elevĀte packaging is designed to be displayed either upright or flat. With its unique and vibrant packaging, elevĀte is optimized for vertical shelving in grocery stores in fresh produce sections or anywhere there is a convenient, grab-and-go section. It is also perfectly paired with functional beverages and snack bars and makes for a great, guilt-free meal that is clean and functional.

How have retailers and consumers reacted to the packaging?

Simpson: We have been told it is the most creative packaging to draw in new customers to produce. And the packaging brings in additional Millennial shoppers, who tend to seek out better-for-you food, with fun and quirky iconography and responsible sustainability messaging. (Note: our entire package is recyclable.) Retailers have also been very excited about the brand overall for providing a more premium offering. We are only weeks into the product being on store shelves, but early indications are that consumers are receptive to the line.

Why is the logo spelled the way it is (elevĀte)?

Simpson: We intentionally drew attention to the “A” in elevĀte by making it a fresh and vibrant shade of green as well as by emphasizing the phonetical sound of the letter A. It plays into one of our favorite questions: “What did you eat?” … “I Ate a blu-rugula elevĀte salad!”


Learn about the latest developments in produce packaging at WestPack 2016, Feb. 9-11 in Anaheim, CA.

About the Author

Kate Bertrand Connolly 1

Freelance Writer

Kate Bertrand Connolly has been covering innovations, trends, and technologies in packaging, branding, and business since 1981.

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