Bagger 970Bagger 970

January 29, 2014

1 Min Read


The Bingo automatic horizontal bagging machine uses a stationary sealing head. The bagger is designed for premade wicket bags of either laminate or PE materials. Equipped with PLC controls and a user-friendly touchscreen, the bagger is very easy to operate, the co. says. With vacuum and gas-flush options, the bagger is designed to either manually or automatically fill a bag. Running at speeds of up to 20 cycles/min, the bagger is flexible and is equipped to work with a variety of bags including standup, handled and resealable bag types. It can handle bags from 6 to 14 in. W and 6 to 24 in. L. It is a low-profile machine and thus is well suited for areas with height restrictions. The co. also says that the bagging machine is mounted on casters for easy transport.

WeighPack, 702/450-0808.

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