Dial is 'pumped' about foamy kitchen soapDial is 'pumped' about foamy kitchen soap
January 29, 2014
Dial Corp. has again introduced a foaming handsoap product, in a 7.5-oz clear polyethylene terephthalate bottle, topped with the WRT6 Table Top foamer from Rexam Airspray (www.rexamairspray.com). The Dial Complete for the Kitchen antibacterial foaming handsoap, marketed for in-kitchen/food-prep use, is now available nationally and joins other Dial Complete and Dial Tone products in the company's mix since 2001. Dial chose the pump foamer's one-touch foaming technology for its elegant, upscale design that communicates Dial Complete's value-added sales proposition, which is being used for a wide variety of other home countertop products. Graham Packaging (www.grahampackaging.com) molds the PET bottle. The new packaging-material color scheme and label graphics coordinate to convey that the soap product helps protect against E-coli and salmonella and promotes incremental usage before, during and after food preparation. Such messaging is gaining momentum with many packages, encouraged by nationally renowned celebrity chefs, as well as widely read reports in the news media. Dial first launched Dial Complete as an instant antibacterial foaming hand wash in February 2001. It was the first major consumer product brand to develop, market and promote a foaming handsoap concept, which, back then, was considered the "biggest advance in liquid handsoaps" in more than a decade, according to company reports.
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