Easy-grip bottle speeds oil changesEasy-grip bottle speeds oil changes
January 29, 2014

Citgo Supergard
Citgo Lubricants redesigns its motor oil packaging with an ergonomic grip, anti-glug neck and enhanced spout. The new high-performance package with its 30-percent larger spout configuration enables faster pouring which, in turn, enhances the whole oil change process.
"The packaging is much more than an aesthetic change. It brings consumers superior functionality and performance while reducing the impact on the environment," says Karl Schmidt, general manager of petrochemicals and lubricants for Citgo. "We have spent the last year perfecting the design and are excited to launch the powerful new look that is sure to turn heads."
The head-turning look comes from edgy branding that uses bold colors that stand out from the new sheer white Citgo bottles. Quick Response (QR) codes are displayed on the front of every bottle. When scanned by a smartphone, the QR code directs people to the Citgo website, where they can find more information about the company and its products. Additionally, a view stripe shows the amount of oil remaining in the bottle.
Citgo Lubricants, in collaboration with Graham Packaging Co., developed the packaging using a five-phase mold-to-bottle approach. The mold-to-bottle manufacturing processes being implemented at Citgo Lubricants' Woodridge, IL, plant, include bottle design, mold design/build/test, tooling, mold installation, and production start and qualification phases.
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