Metal detector 2544Metal detector 2544
January 29, 2014

The Mettler-Toledo Safeline PowerPhasePRO metal detector is now available on Pipeline, Gravity Flow and Tablex 2 pharmaceutical units. With significant new enhancements to the software platform, the PowerPhasePRO offers manufacturers increased productivity, reduced overall manufacturing costs, and improved competitiveness, says the company. Detecting and automatically rejecting ferrous, non-ferrous, and even irregularly shaped and difficult to detect non-magnetic stainless steel in wet or conductive products, PowerPhasePRO is said to deliver reliable brand protection for manufacturers and product safety for consumers. The company also says PowerPhasePRO metal detectors offer the benefit of an advanced “change free running mode” that enables multiple products to be run at a single setting, thereby eliminating the need to change settings at product changeovers …
Mettler-Toledo Safeline; 800/447-4439.
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