Nestlé Waters adds a stackable bottleNestlé Waters adds a stackable bottle

January 29, 2014

2 Min Read
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No matter where one lives, storage is bound to be an issue. That's why Nestlé Waters North America's 3-L easy-to-pour, easy-to-store, stacking water bottle is its newest packaging innovation. Available nationally in July, the space-efficient bottle, with its nestable base and cone-shaped shoulder, can be stored and displayed one on top of the other, like interlocking building blocks.

Bottled-water consumption has more than doubled in the past five years, Nestlé says. A recent study conducted by Nestlé Waters indicates that 33 percent of those polled want bottled water that's easier to store at home. The new spring water bottle helps save space compared to round jugs that are stored in one layer.

The stackable bottle is available for Nestle Waters' other regional spring-water brands including: Arrowhead®, Deer Park®, Ice Mountain®, Ozarka®, Poland Spring® and Zephyrhills®. The 3-L size and resealable twist-cap are convenient for stacking in a pantry, chilling in the refrigerator door or packing in a cooler for a picnic or trip to the beach.

The attractive, clear bottle comes with new features like an ergonomic, recessed hand grip that makes it easier to hold and carry. “Our three-liter bottle of natural spring water is a healthful alternative to calorie-laden soft-drinks. Now, mom can serve a three-liter bottle at the dinner table to encourage the whole family to drink healthier,” says Monique Mims, brand manager. Sold individually, the bottle is priced at $1.29. Six-pack cases of the stackable container are also available in clubstores. The new bottle configuration is Nestlé Waters' latest packaging innovation. The company's family of 15 well-known bottled water brands includes domestic spring water brands, Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water and flavored water beverages and globally recognized imported brands such as Perrier® and S. Pellegrino®. The company is related to Nestlé Waters, based in Paris, the bottled water subsidiary of the Swiss company, Nestlé, S.A.

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