Oxygen analyzer 3693Oxygen analyzer 3693

January 29, 2014

1 Min Read
Oxygen analyzer

The OpTech-O2 platinum, a new standard-setting oxygen analyzer, uses optical fluorescence technology coupled with electronics to give off light in an amount directly related to the amount of oxygen present. This fluorescence can then be read optically, making it suitable for nondestructive permeation analysis, headspace and dissolved oxygen analysis as well as leak determination in flexible and rigid packaging. For nondestructive permeation analysis, a small, platinum-based “spot” encased in a substrate, is inserted into a package, either in the package's headspace or in liquid in the case of a liquid-based product. Change in oxygen due to permeation is then read externally over time through a sealed package using a hand-held optical reader.

Mocon, 763/493-6370. www.mocon.com

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