Packaging design isn’t difficult … for Avril LavignePackaging design isn’t difficult … for Avril Lavigne
January 29, 2014
In case you haven’t heard, singer-songwriter, fashion designer, and actress Avril Lavigne has recently come out with a new fragrance called Black Star.
Hard to say how much leeway the star (the white girl pop star, not the mysterious “Black Star”) had on designing the packaging. But apparently Lavigne had considerable input, if this video is any indication.
It’s quite revealing. Apparently the “packaging design process” has a (gasp) entirely different meaning for Ms. Lavigne than it does for more typical folks – for whom designing a new package means endless research, discussion, meetings, creative briefs and presentations, followed by revisions, more discussion, more presentations, more revisions and …
Apparently it’s pretty simple – if you’re Avril Lavigne.
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