Pump Sorter / Pump Capper

January 29, 2014

1 Min Read
Pump Sorter / Pump Capper

147534-NEM_Pump_Sorter_Capper_v2.jpgNew England Machinery, Inc. (NEM) has introduced a new design of its rotary pump sorter/pump placer, the model NERPS/NERPC, rotary pump sorter/pump capper. This newly designed pump sorter, pump capper allows the elimination of a subsequent cap tightener, says the company. The rotary pump capper is said to now apply the correct torque upon placement of the pump onto the container. One of the benefits of the change is a smaller footprint for the system through the elimination of a second machine, according to the company. The new design also includes a change in the positive guidance of the dip tube while inserting it into the container. The new model is now able to straighten the dip tube curvature up to 1/3 of its overall length. The benefit of this change will allow the machine to more easily handle dip tubes with a greater curvature, thus improving machine efficiency. NEM’s NERPS/NERPC will enable companies that are hand placing pumps to eliminate the high labor costs and increase their production.  The pump sorter/pump capper offers positive pump placing control process, positive container control process, and positive torque control process throughout. The machine is able to handle a wide range of containers and/or pump combinations including finger, lotion, trigger, as well as non-pump caps, and is adaptable for a wide range of products.

New England Machinery, Inc.; 941/755-5550. www.neminc.com

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