Shrink labels top off design of whipped cream cansShrink labels top off design of whipped cream cans
Shrink labels top off design of whipped cream cans
From Maple Grove Products, Whipped Lightning is the world's first alcohol-infused whipped cream in an aerosol can. The company chose to decorate cans of the non-refrigerated toppings with full-body sleeve labels made of heat-shrinkable PVC so the label would conform to the curves of the nesting aluminum can.
Maple Grove buys cut sleeves and uses a heat tunnel for a fast and uniform way to label the cans. The labels for each of the line's six flavors are flexo printed by The RB Dwyer Group on a 10-color press in four to six colors.
According to Paul Urbanowicz, president of Maple Grove Products, the company expects to produce other distinctive flavors and do a sample-size whipped topping in the future.
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