Stand-up pouch sales to reach $4 billion by 2016

March 11, 2015

2 Min Read
Stand-up pouch sales to reach $4 billion by 2016
Sales of stand-up pouches will hit $4 billion by 2016


Sales of stand-up pouches will hit $4 billion by 2016

The stand-up pouch packaging industry grew at an impressive 11.6% rate per year between 2006 and 2011 to achieve worldwide sales of US$2.3 B. A new global industry study, "Stand-up Pouches 2012-2016" from Allied Development Corp., projects that worldwide industry sales will reach the US$4.0 billion level by 2016.


The "Stand-up Pouches 2012-2016" study evaluates the key market drivers that continue to propel global industry growth at over 11% per year. Key drivers include the fact that stand-up pouches deliver significant cost savings and favorable environmental metrics when compared to rigid containers, the accelerating per-capita consumption of stand-up pouches in global regions other than the traditional markets of Europe, North America, and Japan (listed in rank order of per-capita consumption, 2011), and the continued proliferation of new applications for stand-up pouches, particularly those which integrate convenience features such as zippers and spouts.


Allied Development's newly published study, which is the fourth in a series from Allied Development on this topic, reveals that the packaging of Solid Food products, such as retorted food (e.g. rice) and frozen fruits, vegetables, and entrees, has surpassed Liquid Food applications as the largest market segment for global packaging sales of Stand-up Pouches.


Allied Development Corporation is a consulting and publications firm which regularly produces important new knowledge and industry benchmarks for packaging professionals. Allied Development's research and consulting staff includes engineers and analysts with many years of combined experience in all phases of packaging. In addition to multi-client publications, Allied Development Corp. provides individual client consulting and comprehensive economic and environmental analyses using the proprietary SavvyPack Packaging Analysis Service to support packaging design/development, procurement, and plant operations.


Source: Allied Development Corp.

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