Superhero IV covers change how children see chemotherapySuperhero IV covers change how children see chemotherapy

December 16, 2015

1 Min Read
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Pharmaceutical & Medical Packaging News staff

by Stephanie Wiseman

Superheroes like Batman or Wonder Woman defeat evil, so it would make sense that they take on cancer.

n a bold campaign, the A.C. Camargo Cancer Center in São Paulo, Brazil partnered with communications agency JWT and media giant Warner Bros. to create superhero-inspired packaging for children receiving chemotherapy. 

The "Superformula," as it is being touted, is designed to shift a child's thinking of his or her treatment and be less frightened by it. Camargo carries the superhero theme throughout their children's cancer ward decorating the entire ward with a superhero motif in effort to empower patients. 

The campaign also includes patient materials for the children -- in the form of comic books. In the stories, the heroes face a cancer-like condition that requires them to take a "superformula" (a chemotherapy-like treatment) in order to heal.

I think this campaign is brilliant on many levels but I am impressed that it all starts with the packaging of the chemotherapy. Cancer treatment is by its nature clinical and by infusing powerful symbols like those of the DC Comic superheroes clinicians can begin to defeat its power in a child's mind and her body.

In your opinion, what devices could use creative packaging like this?

Please read David Gianatasio's article Chemotherapy Rebranded as "Superformula" in JWT's Brilliant Campaign for Child Cancer Center Ward gets Justice League Makeover in AdWeek for more information. 

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