Tamper-evident neckbands look greatTamper-evident neckbands look great
January 29, 2014
1 Min Read
New heat-shrinkable neckbands also provide tamper-evidence on Orr Brothers Salsa Catsup and All American Burger Sauce from Orr Food Co., Woodland, CA. The company hired Ameri-Seal, Inc. (www.ameri-seal.com) to print four different labels, also known as neckbands, for two burger and two salsa products. The burger-sauce neckbands are printed in three colors, and the salsa catsups in five colors. All are gravure-printed on polyvinyl chloride film. Ameri-Seals® come in different grades to meet the needs of both automatic and manual applications, and can be gravure-printed in up to nine colors.
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