Unwind Stand 892Unwind Stand 892
January 29, 2014
CTC International’s Model SHDL-900-EG Edge Guided Heavy Duty Constant Tension Unwind Stand can handle a variety of materials including tag, label, board, film, paper, foil and other materials used in packaging and converting applications, says the company. The Heavy-duty double end supported design allows rolls as large as 40” diameter to be accommodated. Rolls are unwound from a removable air shaft supported at both ends by safety locking chucks. The Stand features an integral roll lifting system using 2 heavy duty air cylinders and a minimum number of parts, and is capable of lifting rolls exceeding 850 lbs. in weight. The “closed loop” pneumatic tension Control system utilizes a generously sized web festoon whose position proportionally controls a heavy duty pneumatic braking system, providing precise web tension, according to the company. Web tension is said to be easily adjustable while running. Options include splicing table, web pen marking system and “end of roll” indicator. The machine is customizable for a variety of diameters, web widths and core sizes, and can be manufactured to meet CE compliance.
CTC International | 973/228-2300 | www.ctcint.com
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