AIMCAL issues ‘Call for Papers' for ICE USA 2013 conference
March 11, 2015
ICE USA conference
Submissions are now being accepted for the Assn. of Intl. Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators' (AIMCAL) technical programs to be presented at ICE USA 2013, April 9-11, 2013, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando.AIMCAL is seeking non-commercial presentations for the educational sessions covering current research, new technology or best practices in the areas of:
•Web Coating/Laminating
•Web Handling/Converting
•Adhesives and Adhesion
The presentations will be selected based on the following criteria:
•Applicability to the advancement of web handling, coating, printing and converting processes.
•Uniqueness and innovativeness of new technology and its contribution to the Industry.
•Value to the technical/production community.
"The AIMCAL educational sessions at ICE USA provide an outstanding opportunity for converters to gain valuable knowledge in the classroom and then see the technology in action on the Show floor," says Bob Chiricosta, show director of ICE USA. "The AIMCAL sessions were in great demand at ICE USA 2011 and attracted nearly 300 attendees."
The ICE USA 2013 Conference will also feature insightful presentations from CEMA, TAPPI Place and PSTC.
For more information about ICE USA visit For more information about the AIMCAL technical programs or to submit entries, visit
Source: Mack Brooks (ICE USA organizer)
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