Get Valuable Recognition for Your Packaging with IoPP AwardGet Valuable Recognition for Your Packaging with IoPP Award
January 29, 2014

The Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP) has announced it’s 2008/2009 AmeriStar Package Competition Call for Entries. The AmeriStar honors the best packages of the year with winners selected from 15 categories.
Any package or family of packages produced after January 1, 2007, and not previously entered into an AmeriStar competition are eligible for submission into the 2008/2009 program. There are two entry deadlines for entering packages: early deadline is December 15, 2008; final deadline is January 8, 2009. Judging, which takes place at IoPP Headquarters in Naperville, IL, will take place on January 22, 2009.
Judging is based on six criteria
1. Innovation
2. Product Protection
3. Economics
4. Package Performance
5. Marketing
6. Environmental Impact
Two special AmeriStar Awards include
• The Best of Show Award – sponsored by Lansmont Corporation
• The 3M Sustainable Packaging Award – sponsored by 3M
Winning packages will be announced shortly after judging.
AmeriStar entry details, fees and registration are available on the IoPP web site at
Contact: Carole Schiller, IoPP Awards Manager, at 630-544-5050, ext. 106 or e-mail [email protected].
About IoPP
The Institute of Packaging Professionals is the leading individual membership organization serving the educational needs of the packaging community. It is committed to providing continuing educational programs of interest and value to all packaging professionals. These programs cover all packaging-related areas of business and technology, as well as fundamental principles. The organization, its activities and operations, support the development of the best possible packaging programs and events.
For more information, please visit
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