Maintaining critical quality attributes through sorbents
December 17, 2015
Pharmaceutical manufacturers are delving deeper into understanding the sensitivities of their drug products, with many finding that they require more than just an off-the-shelf solution.
Thanks to ICH Q8 on Pharmaceutical Development, considerations such as Quality by Design, Critical Quality Attributes, and Design Space have crept into day-to-day drug development and production, influencing several packaging decisions. In essence, these concepts have encouraged drug manufacturers to better understand drug stability, resulting in a closer examination of risks using science.
For instance, understanding a product’s critical quality attributes and how they all interact can reveal a threshold area, or a design space, that can meet the necessary combination of parameters. Developing container-closure solutions that sit within that design space and monitoring all processes can yield designs based on quality considerations. In other words, quality by design (QbD).
Drug manufacturers are increasingly taking a QbD approach when determining the type and amount of sorbents needed to maintain drug stability, notes Adrian Possumato, global director, healthcare packaging, Multisorb Technologies (