Oscar says 'hot dog!' to micro frank packOscar says 'hot dog!' to micro frank pack

January 29, 2014

1 Min Read
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For America, where convenient packaging is king, there's a winning, new member of the royal family. Oscar Mayer now offers hot dogs that are ready to eat, wrapped in a soft, warm bun, after just 35 seconds of microwave cooking. Called Oscar Mayer Fast Franks, the new hot-dog line is available individually wrapped in a specially designed, microwavable paperboard tray that uses Graphic Packaging's (www.graphicpkg.com) QuiltWave™ active microwave packaging. QuiltWave technology heats the hot-dog bun while simultaneously fully warming the hot dog.

QuiltWave active microwave technology uses unique, laminated quilts, or pockets, that expand when exposed to microwave energy and provide close contact with the food product, explains John Gerstner, senior account executive at Graphic Packaging. “This creates a hot surface immediately next to the food that drives away moisture and heats the bun to produce an exceptionally fresh taste and texture.” Launched nationally in June, the new franks are available in meat wieners and beef, in three-pack cartons priced at $2.79 to $2.99, with an 8-count clubstore pack rolling out soon.

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