Perrigo launches innovative infant formula packaging

March 11, 2015

2 Min Read
Perrigo launches innovative infant formula packaging
Perrigo SmarTub packaging


Perrigo SmarTub packaging

Store Brand Infant Formulas are debuting a new look with innovative plastic tub packaging that makes it even more convenient to provide quality nutrition for babies.


Perrigo Nutritionals, the leading infant formula company that supplies mass retailers, grocers, and drugstores with their own Store Brand Infant Formulas, invested significant resources in developing the new SmarTub packaging, which has granted patents and patents pending. The SmarTub includes the following features:
•The AccuMeasure scoop leveler for more accurate feedings
•CleanPull technology that easily removes a foil liner with one pull
•SimpleSlide scoop storage for less mess
•A longer scoop handle for more hygienic scooping
•Anti-theft tag compatibility that protects the product where it is sold in retailers across the country


"We believe we have advanced infant formula packaging with novelties that will transform the overall user experience for parents," said Perrigo Nutritionals General Manager Scott Jamison . "This undertaking began with extensive competitive analysis and consumer research, and culminated with the addition of a new state-of-the-art packaging line at our ISO 9001:2008-certified facility in Vermont. Our team invested $29 million and three years of development work into this effort to better serve our customers. The result is an innovative package on the outside with the same trusted formula on the inside."


The Vermont manufacturing facility, which has a 29-year history that spans ownership and operations from Wyeth to Perrigo, is the largest manufacturer of Store Brand Infant Formulas in the world. The plant manufactures infant formula 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and, together with an additional facility in Ohio, is capable of producing 65 million pounds of powder formula a year. Today Perrigo Nutritionals produces 11 different formulas that are sold in more than 68 retailer chains including Walmart, Sam's Club, Target, Kroger, Babies R' Us, and other leading retailers in United States.


"This new packaging design marks industry firsts, including the only 100 percent leak detection system we are aware of engineered into the manufacturing," added Jamison. "In addition, this is the first infant formula package on the market we've seen that is anti-theft tag compatible that protects the product where it is sold in stores across the country."
Usage instructions and videos of the new packaging are available here.


Source: Perrigo Co.

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