Pepsi Bottling Group Releases Latest Corporate Responsibility ReportPepsi Bottling Group Releases Latest Corporate Responsibility Report
January 30, 2014
The Pepsi Bottling Group released its first Corporate Responsibility Report, entitled “Act! Our Commitment to Making a Difference.” The report, which focuses on the company’s U.S. business, lays out PBG’s sustainability strategy across three primary platforms: the environment, employees, and community.
“PBG has a strong track record of incorporating sustainable business practices into our operations, employee programs and community outreach strategy,” said Eric Foss, PBG President and Chief Executive Officer. “The purpose of this report is to more broadly discuss our progress and strategy with our customers, consumers, recruits and shareholders so they better understand PBG’s commitment to measurable and sustainable progress.”
According to the company, the report outlines advancements PBG is making across its environmental, employee and community programs, including:
300 million gallons of water conserved per year as a result of innovative new technology and process improvements.
16,000 tons of plastic saved in 2007 through new bottle designs and manufacturing processes. Over the past three years, PBG has now saved 74 million pounds of plastic on its Aquafina bottles alone.
11 percent improvement in the efficiency of new, lighter-weight PBG trucks.
100 percent of the company’s U.S. electricity needs offset through the purchase of renewable energy certificates, making PBG one of seven companies in 2007 to earn a Green Power Purchasing award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
An estimated 83 percent of the PBG waste stream is recycled.
Recognized as one of the best companies for diversity by DiversityInc, Black Enterprise, Hispanic Business and the Human Rights Council.
Recipient of the 2007 C. Everett Koop National Health Award for efforts to promote healthy lifestyles among PBG employees.
More than $16 million in financial and product donations to families and community organizations in need.
In preparing the report, PBG followed the structure of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting framework for describing economic, environmental and social performance.
To emphasize its commitment, PBG is rolling out its report with a cause-related campaign geared to employees, their friends and families. For every click to the report at, The PBG Foundation will donate $.50 to Keep America Beautiful, up to $10,000. The effort will run through November.
PBG’s sustainability report is available for download at
About PBG
The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. is the world's largest manufacturer, seller and distributor of Pepsi-Cola beverages with annual sales of nearly $14 billion. With over 70,000 employees worldwide, PBG has operations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Russia, Spain, Turkey and Greece.
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