Sustainable Packaging Coalition names new directorSustainable Packaging Coalition names new director
January 30, 2014

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Goodrich is an internationally recognized leader in the packaging industry with expertise in sustainability, innovation, and organizational development. She was previously Program Director for PAC NEXT in Toronto, an initiative of The Packaging Association that strives towards a "world without packaging waste." At PAC NEXT, Goodrich built a strong reputation for facilitating constructive collaboration throughout the packaging value chain to promote end-of-life solutions that improve recovery, re-use, and diversion of packaging. Goodrich also founded consultancy Sustainnovation Solutions to inspire industry to understand the opportunity side of sustainability and the role it can play in re-inventing competitive corporate strategy.
Founded in 2002, GreenBlue was one of the first sustainability nonprofits to work exclusively in collaboration with business. For the past decade, the organization has successfully served various industries, including packaging, forest products, chemicals, textiles, and building products. GreenBlue has a strong track record in convening industry working groups to create whole-market solutions for the most pressing sustainability challenges. GreenBlue's flagship project, the SPC, is a working group of companies from across the packaging supply chain that has grown from nine to nearly 200 members since 2004 and is now recognized as the leading voice on packaging sustainability.
"We are thrilled to have Nina Goodrich join GreenBlue and are looking forward to seeing how her insights on value innovation can be incorporated into the work of the SPC," said GreenBlue Board Chair Guy Gleysteen, a Senior Vice President at Time Inc.
The SPC Director selection process was led by a review committee made up of representatives from the SPC Executive Committee and GreenBlue's Board of Directors and staff, who worked together to evaluate candidates and ultimately selected Goodrich for the position.
"Nina brings not only exceptional experience in packaging and sustainability to the organization, but also valuable expertise in innovation and a tremendous amount of personal energy," said SPC Executive Committee member Jeff Wooster of The Dow Chemical Company. "We are excited to have Nina leading the SPC as we implement the strategic plan for our 2020 Vision."
Goodrich will be introduced as the new SPC Director to the Coalition membership at the upcoming SPC Fall Members Meeting, which will be held in Pittsburgh on September 10-11.
"I am delighted to be joining the SPC/GreenBlue family. I have had the opportunity to work with the SPC as an industry member and as a project team member and am thrilled to have been chosen to lead the SPC into its next chapter," said Goodrich. "I am looking forward to working with members and staff to continue the great work in education, action, and opportunities for global packaging sustainability initiatives and beyond."
Source: GreenBlue
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