Sustainable packaging: Video contest seeks ideas for plastic bag recycling, reuseSustainable packaging: Video contest seeks ideas for plastic bag recycling, reuse
January 30, 2014
Sponsored by a coalition of recycling partners known as "A Bag's Life," a new contest invites Floridians to break out their camcorders and create an up-to-one-minute video promoting the recycling and/or reuse of free plastic shopping bags like those found in grocery and retail stores.
Entries can be submitted at and are being accepted in two categories -- with top-prize, second and third place winners in each.
One category is for videos showing the myriad ways plastic bags can be reused (some ideas: rain hat, lunch bag, wet bathing suit tote, suitcase shampoo wrapper, shoe saver, cast protector, poop picker-upper...). The other is for videos that depict second-life uses for recycled plastic bags (more ideas: low-maintenance fencing, decking, building and construction products and of course, new bags).
Organizers aren't expecting a summer blockbuster, although perhaps your remake might include creative costuming fashioned from repurposed plastic bags.
"Use your imagination to make videos that are fun and engaging," said Lauren McCarthy of the Florida Recycling Partnership. "We believe the reuse/recycle message doesn't need to be a lecture. There are lots of creative people out there and we are looking forward to laughing and learning -- and can't wait to see what might become hits and go viral on internet video sharing sites."
The grand-prize winner in each category will receive $1,500, second place $500 and third place $250. Viewers are invited to rate each video with up to five stars and the final three will be chosen from the top five vote-getters in each category. So get shooting and upload your video ASAP to maximize its exposure.
SOURCE: A Bag's Life
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