Coty Cosmetics Saves $500,000 per Year with Pick-and-Pack Robo-Carts

Lightweight clear guarding allows the collaborative robots work at higher-than-typical speeds and force to meet output goals.

Bob Sperber

September 14, 2020

Coty — the worldwide cosmetics parent of brands including Sally Hansen, Rimmel and CoverGirl — projects $500,000 annual savings at its Maryland plant from the use of four mobile carts, each armed (pun intended) with two pick-and-pack cobots (adaptable to higher-than-collaborative speeds) from Universal Robots. The carts are key to meeting demand, taking the plant from one to three shifts a day, freeing 13 employees to transfer to less repetitive, ergonomically safe tasks. Quality is also up via integration with Cognex camera-based machine vision communicating with the carts over Ethernet IP. You want testimonials and metrics? You got ’em — from Paul Baublitz, Coty project manager; Chris Sydorko, owner of systems integrator Sydorko Automation

About the Author(s)

Bob Sperber

Informa Markets - Engineering

Bob Sperber is a writer, editor, and content producer with more than three decades of experience on topics spanning engineering, manufacturing, and digital transformation. Reach him at [email protected].

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