Double the filling speed

Jack Mans, Plant Operations Editor

March 11, 2015

1 Min Read
Double the filling speed

The patented SmartGa298437-Matrix_Smart_Gate_2_jpg.jpg


teTM product concentrator for use on Matrix form/fill/seal machines can improve the throughput of narrow bags 3.5 in. across or less) and generate greater profitability per run. SmartGate can reduce the time it takes for a total charge of food to be packed in a narrow bag by close to 70 percent. Form/fill/seal bagging operations running narrow bags at 60 bags/min can expect speeds between 100 to 120 units/min on Matrix machines featuring SmartGate. With the SmartGate concentrator, bags have a higher percentage of in-specification seals - fewer open bags - and operations personnel spend less time on problems and more time on value-adding activities. The device can be removed from Matrix machines when wider bags are run on the packaging line.


Matrix Packaging Machinery, 888-628-7491.

About the Author

Jack Mans

Plant Operations Editor

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