
Packaging Digest delivers news, trends, best practices, and new technologies to packaging executives and engineers, developers and designers at end-user companies.

Packaging Digest has been the Voice of the Packaging Community since 1963 — more than 60 years! Well-known and respected, Packaging Digest delivers news, trends, best practices, and new technologies to packaging executives and engineers, developers and designers at end-user companies in a variety of markets. This relevant, compelling, and exclusive content helps our audience understand the packaging process; focuses on their challenges; and offers solutions to do their job better and more efficiently. We provide this help through our website, events, digital products, and social media platforms. Packaging Digest offers peer-to-peer insights that share experiences, advice, and successes, enabling cross fertilization of ideas and technologies across all markets where packaging is a necessary function. Packaging Digest's goal is to help packaging professionals achieve higher levels of creative thinking, productivity, and profitability.

As a prominent part of the global Informa Markets – Engineering portfolio, Packaging Digest provides unparalleled access to packaging professionals through digital media solutions, PACK and PACKEX North American events, and our broader network of related events and media brands serving high-growth industries across the advanced manufacturing sector.

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Executive Editor, Packaging Digest
Lisa McTigue Pierce
[email protected]

Managing Editor, Packaging Digest
Editor, Branded Content, Informa Markets – Engineering
Bob Sperber
[email protected]

Account Director
Doris Luftglass
[email protected]