PMMI leader shares perspective on global food supply chainPMMI leader shares perspective on global food supply chain

Jenni Spinner

March 11, 2015

2 Min Read
PMMI leader shares perspective on global food supply chain
Yuska at Anuga FoodTec 2012



Yuska at Anuga FoodTec 2012

On Wed., Mar. 28, 2012, Charles Yuska, president/CEO of PMMI, addressed attendees of Anuga FoodTec, Europe's largest food packaging and processing exhibition, held this week in Cologne, Germany. During his presentation "Trends and Issues Affecting the Global Food Supply Chain," he told the audience that the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) stands to cause waves in all sectors of the industry, all over the world.


"The FSMA holds parties all along the entire food supply chain responsible for contamination prevention," he said. "It includes 50 separate directives for agencies to collaborate with other industries, and suppliers, all along the line."


Yuska shared results of a PMMI survey asking packaging professionals how equipment suppliers can help foster understanding and response to the FSMA. Survey respondents indicated they would like to see machinery manufacturers:

* Work to eliminate equipment areas and surfaces where bacteria can get trapped and grow.
* Increase the prevalence of waterless and dry process technology.
* Increase the modularity and cleanability of machinery.
* Offer larger clearances under and above equipment, for greater ease of cleaning and maintenance.
* Increase the use of stainless steel in equipment construction.
* Design machinery so that only minimal infrastructure changes are required to install units.
* Encourage placement of physical barriers between high- and low-risk areas to prevent spread of contamination.
* Communicate better the possible implications of FSMA, and address specifically how adopting certain practices and acquiring their equipment will facilitate adherence to legislation.


Yuska also gave attendees a preview of show features anticipated during the upcoming PACK EXPO event, scheduled Oct. 28-31 in Chicago.

He announced that the Food Safety Summit Resource Center, with a wealth of resources for packaging professionals looking to address FSMA-related concerns, will be returning to this year's event.


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