PACK EXPO: Surge of exhibitors possible sign of economic recoveryPACK EXPO: Surge of exhibitors possible sign of economic recovery
January 30, 2014
The number of exhibitors with space reserved at PACK EXPO Las Vegas grew by 15 percent this summer, show owner and producer PMMI reports. PACK EXPO Las Vegas and the Conference at PACK EXPO take place Oct. 5–7, 2009, at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
In the past six weeks, 130 packaging solutions providers have contracted space at PACK EXPO, and PMMI now expects close to 1,200 exhibiting companies at this year’s event.
“The recent surge in contracted space is significant, because it indicates solutions providers are seeing a recovery in the future and making strong marketing decisions with their PACK EXPO participation,” says Charles D. Yuska, president & CEO, PMMI. “In addition to the recent exhibitor activity, attendance figures are also showing a surge, with packaging professionals realizing that the show can support their innovation needs in an efficient and cost effective manner.”
A senior manager of packaging development from HJ Heinz (Warrendale, Pa.) says that’s exactly the goal of attending this year’s PACK EXPO.
“From packaging machinery to materials, PACK EXPO has all the innovation we need to conduct business smarter. We are looking at areas of cost reduction and technologies to run our operation more efficiently,” the Heinz executive says.
“We know time is an important factor in today’s business world, which is why we have developed so many value added opportunities for both attendees and exhibitors to leverage during the three day event,” adds Yuska.
PMMI has made of point of working with other organizations to create a fuller, more cost-effective PACK EXPO experience. Industry events coinciding and co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas include pavilions and annual meetings:
Association of Independent Corrugated Converters (AICC) 2009 Annual Meeting (MGM Grand Hotel) and 14th International Package Design Competition (inside The Brand Zone)
International Bottled Water Association’s (IBWA) 2009 Convention and Tabletop Trade Show (MGM Grand Hotel)
Reusable Packaging Association (RPA) Annual Meeting (Las Vegas Convention Center)
DistriPak Pavilion, sponsored by the NPTA Alliance (Las Vegas Convention Center)
Converting & Package Printing (CPP) EXPO (Las Vegas Convention Center)
PROCESS EXPO (Las Vegas Convention Center)
“PACK EXPO is focused on giving attendees access to the entire packaging and processing supply chain,” explains Yuska. “Holding all of these events concurrently capitalizes on their natural synergies and gives attendees several important business reasons to make the trip to Las Vegas in October.”
Sustainability, Economics and Innovation
PMMI and PACK EXPO Las Vegas are putting a strong focus on gearing up for an economic upturn, Yuska says, noting, “The economic recovery plan for any CPG company or private label manufacturer begins at PACK EXPO, where they can find ways to improve productivity, address efficiency issues, and find new package formats to maximize success on the retail shelf.”
Themes of sustainability, performance and economics will play out in a number of ways, Yuska notes, including the introduction of PACK EXPO Green to the Las Vegas show. The program kicked off last fall at PACK EXPO International in Chicago.
“PACK EXPO Green makes it easier for attendees to find exhibitors with technologies that might support their sustainability goals. Participating exhibitors will have the PACK EXPO Green icon with their online listing at and in signage at their booths,” Yuska says.
Exhibitors with sustainable solutions can participate in PACK EXPO Green by updating the information in their online booth at
Conference tracks on sustainability and sustainable operations will further support the demands of CPGs and their customers, and a special economics track will provide insight and ideas for making the most of any economic environment.
“As we approach PACK EXPO, our schedules are already booked tight! With several projects in the works, we are looking to meet with several exhibitors and discuss what new innovative technologies are available that can meet our needs,” says a registered attendee who is a packaging development engineer in the Global Innovations area of Chiquita Brands International (Morrow, Ga.).
Keynotes Explore Private Label Successes
The keynote addresses for the Conference at PACK EXPO hone in on one of the growing areas in retail: private label products.
Doug Palmer, Vice President / Own Brands with The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company will open the keynote programming on Monday, October 5, with “The Future of Retailer Packaging and Branding – the A&P Story,”
Andrew Abraham, vice president, Our Own Brands for SUPERVALU, will challenge packaging suppliers, contract packagers and designers to bring innovative technologies and concepts to the burgeoning private label sector in “Packaging – A Holistic Approach to Winning,” on Tuesday, October 6.
Closing the keynote programming on Wednesday, October 7, Steve Ryder, Store Design and Planning Director, Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market, and Kevin O’Donnell, Founder, thread collaborative, will provide a behind-the-scenes look at how Fresh & Easy has established itself in the U.S. and its commitment to engage consumers in new ways.
To attend PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2009, register online at Expo registration is $30 ($60 from Sept. 15 forward). Conference at PACK EXPO sessions are $55 each ($75 from Sept. 15 forward). PACK EXPO registration is required for conference registration.
Suppliers who would like to exhibit at any PACK EXPO show should contact PMMI’s show department for more information: 703.243.8555 or [email protected].
PACK EXPO Las Vegas will be held October 5-7, 2009, at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. The show will be co-located with Converting & Package Printing EXPO and PROCESS EXPO. PMMI also produces EXPO PACK México, the premier packaging show in Latin America. The next edition of EXPO PACK México will be held June 22-25, 2010, at Centro Banamex, Mexico City, Mexico. PACK EXPO International 2010 will be held Oct. 31–Nov. 3, 2010, at McCormick Place in Chicago. Visit for more information.
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