Packaging redesign spices up salt brand

January 30, 2014

2 Min Read
Packaging redesign spices up salt brand

Cerebos, a leading Australian-New Zealand manufacturer of sauce, spice and coffee, harvests sea salt from the Pacific Ocean and distributes them under the SAXA and Skellerup brands. The company claims to have at least 50 percent of the local market share with these two salt brands, and sells to major grocery chains such as Foodstuffs and Progressive Enterprises, independent retailers, hotels, restaurants and cafes.

When Cerebos decided to revamp the packaging for SAXA and Skellerup, it had three objectives: offer consumers greater opening, closing and storage convenience; minimize moisture entry and clogging; and increase brand prominence on retail shelves. 151688-Old_20SAXAblue.jpg

Cerebos had been packaging the products in 500g, 1kg, and 2kg salt products were packaged in non-resealable pillow packs that lay flat on retail shelves. The packaging had little shelf visibility and was inconvenient for customers as it required consumers to transfer the contents into a separate container after opening then throw away the original packaging.

To increase brand prominence on retail shelves, Cerebos moved to a block-bottom stand-up pouches earlier this year. The packages’ graphics were updated, and a clear window enables consumer s to judge the purity of the product without opening the pouches. The pouches also use a stronger laminate that minimizes moisture entry and clogging in addition to reducing scuffing and leakage during transportation.

To offer cons151846-SAXA_20Rock_20Salt_201kg_new_20packaging.jpgumers greater opening, closing and storage convenience, a Powder-Proof™ press-to-close zipper from Zip-Pak was used to close the package. The closure uses a proprietary design which prevents powder granules and particulates from clogging in the zipper profile. And because customers are able to reseal the salt in its original packaging, they are continually exposed to the branding messages on the product which extends Cerebos’ marketing investment in package graphics.

To manufacture the new SAXA and Skellerup bags, Cerebos applied the zipper together with the package film on a Propac v/f/f/s machine. To help Cerebos effectively maintaining its production speed, Zip-Pak Australia worked closely with the machinery supplier to ensure compatibility with the zipper design and followed up with support visits to the packing plants.

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