PMMI launches online packaging-machinery troubleshooting coursePMMI launches online packaging-machinery troubleshooting course

Lauren R. Hartman

January 29, 2014

4 Min Read
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The Packaging Machinery Mfrs. Institute (PMMI []) has launched "Troubleshooting Packaging Machinery," an online self-study course open to all packaging professionals. The e-course is offered through PMMI U, PMMI’s training and development effort.

Developed in cooperation with the University of Florida, "Troubleshooting Packaging Machinery," presents entry-level theory, process and logic of troubleshooting--and applies them specifically to packaging operations. It is designed to help technicians improve observation, thinking and communication skills and become more effective in finding sources of and solutions to machinery problems on the packaging line.

PMMI U can be accessed at Materials in the online course are based on PMMI’s popular technical training manual of the same name, published 1975–1994.

'Troubleshooting Packaging Machinery' online brings principles of troubleshooting to life with animation, video and interactive exercises. It teaches a logical approach to troubleshooting, so a technician understands what questions to ask — and why — to locate the most likely cause of a problem before making adjustments or repairs," says Maria Ferrante, senior director, training and development, PMMI.

Students can access the course at their convenience, as long as they are connected to the Internet. Because it's online, they can move at their own pace, focusing the bulk of their time and effort on the sections they find more challenging or less familiar. Short quizzes following each unit ensure students understand the material before moving to the next topic, and a mastery test at the end assesses each participant’s understanding of the subject as a whole.

PMMI U’s online learning center is found through the PMMI U tab on This learning-management system gives learners and training managers the ability to track students’ progress through PMMI U’s various course offerings.

"The site streamlines the way packaging professionals manage their career development," Ferrante says. "Any participant can manage his or her own account, and managers can track groups of staff members to meet any internal reporting requirements."

Ferrante notes future PMMI U online course modules will also be based on other technical training manuals.

"The PMMI U team is working closely with packaging-industry subject matter experts to update PMMI's technical training manuals and bring them to the industry in an online format. That’s in addition to the other courses and education resources we’re developing to meet industry needs," says Ferrante. "PMMI U focuses on the primary needs of the packaging workforce: machinery uptime, ongoing maintenance and properly trained operators."

Along with "Troubleshooting Packaging Machinery," current PMMI U offerings open to the packaging community include:

PMMI's Safety Conference, a two-day conference focused on a variety of packaging machinery safety issues including risk assessment, machine design, underwriting legacy equipment. This year’s conference, July 14-15 at the Intercontinental Hotel, Rosemont, Ill., will feature hands-on workshops. The PMMI Certified Trainer Program, a train-the-trainer program, delivers training fundamentals for adult learners to support improved uptime and increased packaging line productivity.

A two-day risk assessment interactive workshop, where machine designers and engineering professionals will learn the basics of conducting a hands-on risk assessment. This workshop teaches participants the basics of PMMI’s PackSafe software.

Mechatronics Certificate Program (in development) – PMMI, in partnership with the Mid-Atlantic Mechatronics Partnership, recognizes packaging-related mechatronics as a critical skill set in today’s packaging marketplace. PMMI is working with a team of packaging professionals from PMMI member companies, several schools and universities, technology providers and end users to develop a suite of certificates that will enable employers to identify skilled workers and update the skills of the current workforce. The first two certificates will be piloted later this year.

PMMI members can also register for Sales Training seminars through PMMI U. PMMI U and its programs are part of PMMI’s long-term, multi-faceted commitment to serving the industry through packaging education and workforce development. In addition to the PMMI U programming, PMMI provides more than $110,000 annually to fund scholarships to packaging schools and students, produces the Conference at PACK EXPO, and produces workshops, seminars and conferences dedicated to developing the skills of the packaging industry workforce.

"PMMI will continue to work closely with leading packaging schools, universities, technical programs and experts to provide a full array of courses targeting, and available to, all facets of the packaging workforce to improve skills, develop new techniques and stay on top of industry trends," adds Ferrante.

Source: PMMI

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