10 Popular Pandemic Posts for Packaging Pros in 2020
Pressure on supply chains and demand for hygienic packages are just a couple ways the COVID-19 coronavirus upended the lives of dedicated professionals working in packaging departments.
Thank you for all you’ve done during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Packaging operations adapted to the crisis with (mostly) order, compassion, innovation, and efficiency — from refitting packaging lines to supply critical goods, to redesigning package graphics to reassure worried consumers.
All along the way, Packaging Digest was here to help, keeping you up to date on new angles and considerations so you could continue to come up with solutions.
You responded to our COVID-19-related content with a ferocious appetite. Here are the Top 10 coronavirus articles you consumed in short order in 2020, based on website page views:
From wrapped and sealed baked goods, to
10. Hygienic Packaging Designs Calm Virus-Related Anxiety
Although food and packaging are not key players in the spread of COVID-19, pandemic-driven wariness is driving food brand owners and their packaging suppliers, as well as retailers and foodservice providers, to put more emphasis on hygienic packaging design.
9. 3 Ways COVID-19 is Changing Supply Chain Packaging
How do these shifts in shipment packaging affect your operations now and moving forward?
Photo credit: Celso Pupo – adobe.stock.com
8. COVID-19: Maintain Your Sustainable Packaging Focus
We are all swimming in a sea of voices analyzing the impacts of COVID-19 on all aspects of society. Packaging plays a starring role in this conversation due to its role in protecting products, as well as being a human contact point. But what about the sustainability of packaging? Here are some important considerations for sustainable packaging during these times — and where to go from here.
7. 4 Ways Packaging Can Help During the Coronavirus Crisis
A lot of people are fighting the coronavirus crisis on many levels. Here is my opinion on some things the packaging industry has recommended, suggested, or already done to help.
Photo credit: Romolo Tavani – stock.adobe.com
6. Packaging and COVID-19: Ongoing News, Insights, Advice
Bookmark this page for easy access to a list of articles about the coronavirus pandemic and packaging, along with links and dates, posted by Packaging Digest. Most recent articles are at the top.
5. Brands Refit Packaging for Hand Sanitizers
To combat the spread of COVID-19, breweries, distillers, and others changeover to package sanitizers to supplement inadequate supplies.
Versus larger bottles, unit doses of sanitizer packets were chosen to increase the number of users and safety. HR Pharmaceuticals plans to make four to six million packets weekly.
4. Fast and Furious: Pharmaceutical Company Makes and Packs Hand Sanitizer in Record Time
First-time sanitizer maker HR Pharmaceuticals gets a major assist from C-P Flexible Packaging in 10-day start-to-finish project in the fight against COVID-19.
5. 3 Ways COVID-19 Will Change Packaging Design
3. 3 Ways COVID-19 Will Change Packaging Design
Consumers’ shifting buying patterns, heightened health and safety expectations, and focus on sustainability present new packaging design challenges in the COVID-19 and post-pandemic realities.
The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is changing American lives in many ways, including their preferences for different types of packaging.
2. 4 Inevitable Packaging Changes After COVID-19
While it’s clear that the value of packaging is now more publicly recognized, prior concerns haven’t gone away. During this “great pause,” the packaging industry must reflect and prepare, ensuring that the packaging value chain offers even more value to our environment and society — and can play a key role within the economic restructuring our world will desperately need.
1. Corona Beer Through the Pandemic: Tweets Tell the Tale
The brand had the misfortune of having the product name on packaging and in social media associated with the coronavirus. Here’s how it played out on Twitter.
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