Bulk bag filler 13743Bulk bag filler 13743
March 11, 2015
A new bulk bag filler, trademarked Swing-Down,® features all-stainless construction finished to sanitary standards, and a pivot-down fill head that enables the operator to connect empty bags at floor level and resume filling operations rapidly. The new design reportedly eliminates the danger of stepping onto and over roller conveyors to access rear bag hooks and spout connection collars, and of standing on the conveyor and bending over with head and arms inserted beneath operational fill head components to pull bag spouts upward over inflatable collars while reaching for bag inflator buttons. The design features a remote console or wall-mounted panel controls to raise and pivot the fill head into a locked, horizontal “fill position,” automatically inflate the bag to remove creases, open a flow control valve or start a feed device, and stop the flow of material once a preset fill weight has been gained. Optional vibratory decks de-aerate and densify material in the bag at preset set points to create a solid, stable bag, ready for shipment.
Flexicon Corp., 888/353-9426.
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