Cross-belt sorterCross-belt sorter
January 29, 2014
The S-3000CB cross-belt sorter provides accurate, high-speed transportation and sortation of items that present difficulties during traditional sortation, such as fragile products and hard-to-grip packages. The S-3000CB's scalable design and sortation process can be tailored to any size facility and any type of product or package. With individual, motor-driven, belted carriers, the S-3000CB features gentle, horizontal item positioning and orientation throughout the sortation process. Carriers on the S-3000CB accelerate to match induction speeds. Sort discharge can be optimized to a specific product rather than averaged across a range of products Discharge is extremely accurate, allowing for closer discharge-chute centers and selective positioning of sorted items within a chute. S-3000CB cross-belt sorters operate at speeds up to 472 ft/min at just 65 dB(A). Versatile and dependable, the S-3000CB uses a nonproprietary control system for maximum flexibility. The S-3000CB offers many induction options, from multiple, small items to longer, heavier items. It features the ability to sort heavy items to one side of a discharge and smaller, fragile items to the other.
FKI Logistex, 877/935-4564.
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