FREE Blank Package Images for DesignFREE Blank Package Images for Design
March 11, 2015
Today I was looking around Dezignus, the awesome design resource where I found the Free package design templates from Italy that I featured in a previous blog. I found another very cool thing this time.
Basically, these are blank images of bags, packages, and other objects, that you can use to Photoshop in logos, color schemes, and other things when designing. Looks like there’s a great variety, and they seem to be pretty high quality. A lot of them too.
Just the thing for quickly trying out a packaging design. Best of all, they’re FREE! (Always that magic word) Check ‘em out.
There are three links given for downloads, but only the last one, MediaFire, actually works.
The files are said to be jpegs, but they’re compiled into a .RAR file. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the format, here’s more info:
List of free programs for extracting .RAR files
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