Oreo celebrates century of cookie packaging

Jenni Spinner

March 11, 2015

1 Min Read
Oreo celebrates century of cookie packaging
Oreo packaging 1960


Oreo packaging 1912

In 1912, the National Biscuit Company (or Nabisco for short) debuted its Oreo sandwich cookie in New York City. One hundred years later, the brand (now owned by Kraft Foods) has become the planet's top-selling cookie and expanded to include different flavors (like the vanilla Golden Oreo), products (such as cereals and Oreo-flavored cakes) and cookie sizes (while the oversized Big Stuf cookie came and went, the overfilled Double Stuf remains).


Oreo packaging 2012

As the brand has grown and changed over the course of its 10 decades, so has the packaging the cookies are sold in. Chicago's Redeye shared a slideshow profiling the boxes, bags and logos that have been seen on shelves since the cookie first won our hearts (and stomachs) over. Click here to view a pictorial history of Oreo packaging.

Source: Redeye

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