Packaging Peers Offer COVID-19 AdvicePackaging Peers Offer COVID-19 Advice

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting nearly all Americans personally. Professionally, the impact is different for various markets and jobs. How are packaging professionals faring? During the last two weeks of March 2020, 66% of respondents to our poll said their job in packaging was slightly affected, with some disruptions.
Packaging Digest issued its quick two-question poll in mid-March:
1. Has your job in packaging been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?
2. Do you have any advice or comments for your packaging peers?
The results to question one — for the last two weeks in March 2020 — appear in the graph below.
About two-thirds of respondents to our poll say their job has been disrupted because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
How will your job be affected moving forward?
How will these answers change as the self-quarantine continues for the next 30 days? Take the poll and let us know. It will remain open and everyone is invited/encouraged to share their thoughts and advice again, even if you answered already. We will be analyzing the results — from the next couple weeks only — in mid-April; and will take another snapshot with results of the final two weeks at the end of the month.
Regarding question two, advice given by your packaging peers from the poll’s same late-March time period ranges from rational to inspirational:
“If working from home, use this time to research packaging innovations that your company may not be exploring. One innovative packaging idea can help your company exceed and stand out after we return to business-as-usual eventually.”
“Catch up on all those irritating tasks you never have time for. And take the time to really nail down the details of your projects.”
“Live with faith, not fear. Also, for everyone who has ever questioned what a degree in packaging is, it is literally taking front and center of the world. How we come together to solve this can help us solve many things like refugee camp crisis etc. Afterall, packaging was started as a major after WWII, am I right? Innovate!”
“It’s gonna be tough out there for a while and everyone will be hit differently — more work, less work, no work. Please help those that you can and keep your ears and eyes open for your fellow packaging friends. Many companies have recently frozen positions [or] are reevaluating all open positions, so be patient.”
“Packaging is wildly important right [now].”
“Care about others! Follow local recommendation to protect colleagues [and] family. Consider your supplier by releasing pressure regarding timings.”
“Learn to work from home without distractions. Get up and dress as if going to the office and shut yourself in a room to work. Just watch your ergonomics.”
“Video conference and stay connected with people 1-1 (also using video). Very helpful for clear communication.”
“Stay in touch with colleagues and customers. Now is the time to deepen the relationship.”
“When you visit your customers, have your masks, gloves, glasses used while keeping distances.”
This comment shows how scary and challenging it is for some colleagues right now:
“It’s day by day for us. Trying to stay positive.”
We feel for you. Hang in there! To end on a high note, here is some encouragement from another respondent:
“Keep a positive outlook! These days seem like they may be lasting forever but we WILL get through this and we will all be better for it!”
Thank you to all who participated!
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