Produce packing sealerProduce packing sealer
March 11, 2015
The redesigned AVSealer for packaging fresh-cut produce features a new, "true temperature" control and meets the highest international safety, standards, the co. reports. The sealer is suitable for small- to medium-size produce packers. A semi-automatic machine, the AVSealer heat-seals a variety of bag sizes with or without a vacuum and has an optional gas-flush cycle to maximize production flexibility and satisfy the demands of a wide range of fresh-cut applications. The temperature control assures a consistent sealing temperature to maximize package quality by eliminating burn-through, and seals that don't hold. The co. reports that the new temperature control also reduces energy use and allows for faster heat sealing. Seals bags up to 18.5-in. wide at rates of 4 to 6 bags/min with vacuum and up to 8 bags/min without vacuum.
Key Technology, Inc., 509/529-2161.
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