Safety relays

January 29, 2014

1 Min Read
Safety relays


Two new modules in the PNOZsigma range of slim-line safety relays include the PNOZ s7.1, which features three normally open safety contacts. It is connected to a base unit safety relay type PNOZ s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6 or s6.1. In addition, the s7.1 model incorporates a separate feedback loop that enables the 17.5-mm module to be used as a standalone safety relay. For applications requiring an even greater number of contacts, multiple s7.1 modules can be used, each with a maximum of 10 s7.2 modules. The only additional requirement is that a 24-v power supply must be provided for each s7.1 module. 

Pilz Automation Safety, 734/354-0272.

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