Who Else Wants to Go Back in Time? General MillsWho Else Wants to Go Back in Time? General Mills

David Bellm

March 11, 2015

1 Min Read
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Looking for a proven way to strengthen the bond your brand has with consumers during this difficult economy? Try looking to the past.

A while back I did a blog post called Tough Times Can Bode Well for Old Brands, talking about how when times get rough, favorite old brands can actually gain strength. Well, that trend seems to be rolling out full force, as evidenced by General Mills’ latest move.

The company has reissued vintage cereal boxes for some of its top brands, giving Target stores a one-month exclusive on the retro packages, until March 21. Included among the vintage-reissue gems are Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs, and Trix.

Advertising Age has a very nice article with a little more details on General Mills’ interest in reliving the past, if you’re interested.

Also included in the promotion are a line of very cool T-shirts with the retro cereal brands depicted on them. General Mills is offering special prices on them with proofs of purchase from the cereal boxes. Cool!

Of course, anyone who’s read this blog for long would surely notice my love for vintage packaging. So you know I’ll probably be snatching up boxes of these retro cereals by the armload.

And since I don’t really eat sweetened cereal anymore, you can fully expect me to be sporting an extra dozen or so pounds the next time you see me.

Small price to pay for the joy of going back in time. 


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