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January 30, 2014
During the May 10 event announcing the winners of the 2012 DuPont Awards, several invited guests shared the news, as well as their insights about the developments, on Twitter (#DuPontAwards2012). Here are highlights from the dozens of tweets posted:
@packaginggeek #dupontawards2012 winners tied 2 #consumer #convenience, #waste reduction, #responsible sourcing, #eco materials, #design, wow factor
@packaginggeek #science-based collaboration and innovation 2day will meet new challenges in years ahead in packaging. #dupontawards2012
@packaginggeek The world is a "global collabatory" necessary to bring packaging innovation to the global community and to individuals. #dupontawards2012
@lisajmpierce #DuPontAwards2012 Juror Mike @ Heinz Two main trends in this year's winners: 1. We can win together; 2. Sensitivity to the environment
@packaginggeek Trends among #dupontawards2012 winners: collaboration, open innovation, no "not invented here" mindset. #jurorHeinz
@lisajmpierce #DuPontAwards2012 Juror Brian@PTIS Trends in winners: Simplicity, consumer-focused solutions, look past obvious & solve problems in new ways
@DuPontPackaging @PepperidgeFarm - bread pkg uses 65% less plastic...displays well and runs on hi-speed equipment - true collaboration used #DuPontAwards2012
@packaginggeek @itb #flexible divider 4 #corrugated boxes is simplicity & innovation at its best. No need 2 b complex 2 b revolutionary. #dupontawards2012
@packaginggeek #collaboration on a global scale a recurring thought from winners panel, across rigid and flexible packaging #dupontawards2012
@packaginggeek #developing economies around the world account for significant number of #dupontawards2012 entries and winners. Affordability is key.
@packaginggeek Optimizing packaging valu is key 2 meaningful, holistic, hi-quality package innovation.#dupontawards2012 juror @mikeokoroafor from #Heinz
@packaginggeek @curwood red meat package innovation provides increased consumer perception of "fresh". food safety issues averted. #dupontawards2012
@DuPontPackaging w/30% of grown food wasted, no wonder extending shelf life 10X wins award. FreshCase frozen food pkg protects food longer! #DuPontAwards2012
@PlasticPkgFacts Hermetically sealed fresh meat that has a shelf life of 30 days? Curwood/Bemis at #dupontawards2012 for a #package that delivers just that!
@DuPontPackaging Another common thread - so many winners use less material in their #packaging; what they use is strategic #DuPontAwards2012
@packaginggeek @PepperidgeFarms @evapeters says packaging innovation transfer from adjacent categories enables differentiation. #dupontawards2012
@DuPontPackaging Beauty of collaboration is that you're pulling together, not pushing apart says Smart Pkgng #DuPontAwards2012
@aalap_sharma Winners at #dupontawards2012 include not just large MNCs but companies with 15 or 30 employees. The key is to listen, listen, listen!!
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