New Program Lets Wine Customers Make Green Contribution at PurchaseNew Program Lets Wine Customers Make Green Contribution at Purchase
January 30, 2014
Clif Family Winery, maker of wines with a focus on sustainably farmed and organic grapes, has launched a new consumer program enabling its customers to help the environment. The program, called Green My Shipment, is a simple, inexpensive way for customers to help reduce the environmental impact of their wine shipment. By adding $0.25 per bottle to their order, Clif Family Winery customers can help to offset CO2 emissions generated by the packaging and shipment of that order.
Created by the Clif Family Winery team and introduced in partnership with NativeEnergy, customers can participate in the Green My Shipment program when they purchase Clif Family Wines and Clif Family Farm Olive Oil online.
"Green My Shipment is an exciting program that is tangible to our consumers while helping the environment," said Kit Crawford, co-owner of Clif Family Winery. "We know that our customers want to do more to lessen their impact on the environment but aren't always aware of ways they can participate. Green My Shipment is one of the easiest ways for consumers to affect change. To make it possible, we're fortunate to have NativeEnergy as a partner.”
All of the money collected through Green My Shipment will go directly to NativeEnergy to help support the Cascade Sierra Solutions Trucking Efficiency Project. This program helps independent truck owners/operators improve fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions and other pollutants generated by ground freight transport.
"NativeEnergy has had a great relationship with Clif Bar & Company and we're thrilled to begin a program with Clif Family Winery that helps to offset CO2 emissions," says NativeEnergy President & CEO Tom Boucher. "This is another example showing how companies and consumers can work together to help reduce our global warming emissions. Education, together with the opportunity to participate in making a difference, can create a huge and positive impact," he says.
Source: Clif Family Winery
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