MAP systemMAP system
January 30, 2014

The co. addresses the demands of the growing packaged meat market by releasing the FreshPax® CR system for low-oxygen modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). The system extends the shelf life of case-ready meats up to 30 days—double that of comparable packaging alternatives—while preserving color, the co. states. The system's oxygen scavengers are used together with vacuum and back-flush systems to absorb residual oxygen and reduce oxidation. Specially formulated to work in a chilled environment, the oxygen scavengers reduce oxygen levels to 0.01 percent, which inhibits oxidative degradation. Once at the retail location, individual meat packs are removed from the master bag and allowed to rebloom, ensuring an appealing red color. Is also suited to shrink-wrapped foam trays, and the packages can be sized to each retailer's case-ready applications.
Multisorb, 888/767-2368.
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