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January 29, 2014

3 Min Read
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Cereal packs are getting smaller, pricier
The high cost of grain and fuel has affected cereals. General Mills plans to reduce the size of its cereal boxes and slightly raise the price per volume to be more competitive. READ MORE>>

Freedonia report: U.S. meat, poultry and seafood packaging demand to exceed $8 billion by 2011
Demand for meat, poultry and seafood packaging is projected to increase 4.2 percent annually to more than $8 billion in 2011. While increased meat, poultry and seafood production will drive gains, changes in packaging practices also will be a major factor. READ MORE>>

Convenience still a 'top dog' in pet-food packaging
Cited by more than four-fifths of pet owners surveyed, convenience still trumps most other factors influencing pet-care product purchases, according to "Pet Food Packaging and Convenience Trends," a new report from Packaged Facts. READ MORE>>

Owens-Illinois sells plastics lines to Rexam
Owens-Illinois Inc., the Perrysburg, OH, producer of glass containers, health-care packaging and specialty closure systems, says it concluded a strategic review and definitively agreed to sell its plastics-packaging business to Rexam plc for $1.83 billion. READ MORE>>

Coke to reduce its water footprint
Coca-Cola will fund a $20-million project to conserve seven major rivers in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. It also plans to revamp its bottling practices to reduce water use and pollution, and to improve the water efficiency of its partners. READ MORE>>

Visit to find white papers covering issues in the packaging marketplace:

White Paper: Selecting a Case Packing System

Fallas Automation

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White Paper: Optimizing vacuum design for material handling

PIAB North America

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White Paper: Selecting the right adhesive melter for your packaging application

Nordson Corp.

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White Paper: Production-driven purchasing drives up the costs of pre-printed cases


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Tetra Pak invests millions in new research centers
Sweden-based Tetra Pak will invest €32.6 million in two new centers in Lund, Sweden, to develop new processing and packaging equipment for food and drink manufacturers. READ MORE>>

Multi-Color agrees to sell packaging services division
Multi-Color Corp. has agreed to sell Quick Pak, its packaging services division, to New Jersey-based NFI Industries for $19.2 million READ MORE>>

Coke buys Glaceau for $4.1 billion
Coca-Cola says it will acquire Glaceau for $4.1 billion in cash to gain a foothold in the fast-growing enhanced water market. READ MORE>>

USP to clean-up guidelines and standards
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is inviting comments on proposed revisions to guidelines and resources it makes available in the National Formulary (NF) and Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) with the aim of making the publications more user-friendly. READ MORE>>

Personalized products set to grow, says market researcher
The concept of products 'made just for me' is set to gain importance with consumers in a general climate of reaction against mass marketing, according to trend spotter NMI. READ MORE>>

Hispanics lead record growth of minority populations
Hispanics, blacks, Asians and other minority populations now make up one third of the U.S. population, according to figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau, creating ever-greater specialty markets for the food industry to serve.

Marketing healthy food to kids: When it comes to pushing spinach, Popeye has some competition.
A whole crew of new and old children's characters is getting into the green and healthy business, with companies licensing their images to sell everything from baby carrots, clementines and grapes to organic cereal and pastas designed specifically for children.,0,4275734.story?coll=ny-business-leadheadlines

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