What do consumers like—and dislike—about resealable packages?

Lisa McTigue Pierce, Executive Editor

July 15, 2015

In our exclusive video series in partnership with Watch Me Think USA, American consumers critiqued sliders, zippers, tape reseals, spouts and lids.

Consumer reactions were mixed to the different types of resealable packaging available on products they use all the time. Deli meats and cheeses were the most often-mentioned items, but several ladies grabbed cereal boxes and snack bags from their pantries.

Sliders and spouts were popular with our Thinkers. Tape reseals and cereal boxes, not so much.

Here’s what they like:

Consumer with zipper cheese pack: “When I go to close it, it’s very easy. I can hear it make those little snapping noises so I know I got all the air out of it.”

Woman with spouted pouch of baby cereal: “I would definitely buy a product that has this packaging because it’s easy to use.”

Here’s what they don’t like:

Lady with tape-seal snack bag: “A lot of the time it pops ’cause it’s not real sticky. …What I end up doing then is taping it with Scotch tape.”

Woman with the lidded thermoformed meat pouch: “I really like this, but sometimes the plastic doesn’t seal very well. It doesn’t accomplish its goal in keeping it as fresh as it could be.”

They did have some suggestions for improvements:

“Have a more-malleable substrate” for the resealable feature.

“A pull-tab would be easier.”

Another key point to remember, according to one consumer, is the feature has to “last the length of the product.”

About the Author

Lisa McTigue Pierce

Executive Editor, Packaging Digest

Lisa McTigue Pierce is Executive Editor of Packaging Digest. She’s been a packaging media journalist since 1982 and tracks emerging trends, new technologies, and best practices across a spectrum of markets for the publication’s global community. Reach her at [email protected] or 630-272-1774.

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