Heat-shrinkable sleeve debuts for VO5

January 30, 2014

1 Min Read
Heat-shrinkable sleeve debuts for VO5

Alberto Culver USA has introduced its VO5 Extreme Style hairspray in a spray bottle with a polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG) heat-shrinkable sleeve from Ameri-Seal, Inc. (www.ameri-seal.com). The product is a styling/conditioning spray that is available in retail grocery, drug and chain stores across the country. Ameri-Seal printed the metallic shrink sleeve in five colors on rotogravure presses. A PETG heat shrinkable film was used for this application because the bottle narrows toward the top, and PETG has a higher shrink value, making this type of film effective for the Alberto-Culver application than other films. The sleeves are applied to the bottles at Ameri-Seal's Contract Sleeving Division in Chatsworth, CA. Ameri-Seal converts PVC, PETG and oriented polystyrene films at its factory in Chatsworth.

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