4 reasons why hands-free hot melt makes sense4 reasons why hands-free hot melt makes sense

Pierce Covert

June 3, 2015

Whether you’re considering packaging adhesive systems for a brand new business venture or are looking for ways to make your current packaging processes safer and more efficient, it’s worth your time to take a closer look at hands-free hot melt systems.

As you’re selecting the appropriate adhesive system for your manual-packaging needs, one option you may want to consider is a hands-free hot melt unit. Hands-free hot melt units allow you to keep both hands on the material being glued. Rather than requiring you to pick up a hot melt gun and apply adhesive, you simply use a foot switch to control the flow of adhesive while you manipulate the substrate under the nozzle tip. 

Hands-free hot melt units offer a variety of benefits to the packaging process, including:

1. Time Savings: Benchtop hands-free hot melt units are just what they sound like—standalone hot melt units that are installed on a bench or work table. Because of its tabletop position and foot-switch adhesive control, benchtop hands-free hot melt units allow the packaging line to move more efficiently. Operators are free to use both hands to position the material and then to assemble the material after the hot melt is applied.

The time savings that can be achieved with hands-free hot melt units is significant. In fact, many businesses find that their production speed doubles, triples or even quadruples when they transition to a hands-free system from a hot-melt glue gun assembly process.

2. Cost savings: Businesses that increase their packaging efficiency via hands-free hot melt systems also report overall reduced costs. Operators are able to assemble more packages in the same amount of time, maximizing the value of your labor costs. Additionally, because the system can be set to dispense a precise quantity of adhesive, overall hot melt consumption often decreases, which also saves money.

3. Safety: Hands-free hot melt systems are generally considered safer than hot melt gun-based systems. Because the operator keeps his/her hands on the substrates instead of constantly picking up and putting down a hot melt glue gun, accidental exposure to the hot melt adhesive is less likely. Additionally, hands-free systems help operators avoid mishaps that occur due to hand fatigue or discomfort caused by the repetitive motions associated with using a hot melt gun.

4. Package quality: Hands-free hot melt units that include timers can be programmed to dispense a set amount of hot melt adhesive in a specific pattern, without allowing adhesive to string from the applicator nozzle. This allows the operator to deliver a consistent, repeatable adhesive pattern, which helps improve overall product quality and avoid issues caused by imprecisely glued packages.

Whether you’re considering packaging adhesive systems for a brand new business venture or are looking for ways to make your current packaging processes safer and more efficient, it’s worth your time to take a closer look at hands-free hot melt systems. With multiple benefits—including saving time and money while simultaneously improving safety and package quality—you may just find that a hands-free hot melt system is the right fit for your packaging needs.


Pierce Covert is president of Glue Machinery Corp., a company that builds and stocks industrial strength adhesive machines and equipment that can be used in array of industries.

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