360 Vodka shipped in a recyclable container360 Vodka shipped in a recyclable container

March 11, 2015

1 Min Read
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Continuing its commitment to the environment, the Earth Friendly Distilling Co., Weston, MO, has begun shipping its 360 Vodka in reusable, blue recycle-bin containers, similar to those used in curbside recycling programs. “Our new blue-bin totes are the perfect shipping containers for 360 Vodka,” says Ed Pechar, chairman of the Earth Friendly Distilling Co. “As the world's only eco-friendly luxury vodka, we are dedicated to sustainability, and these containers not only provide our customers with reusable, recyclable solutions, but encourage others to make small changes that can have a big impact on the environment.” Designed to promote recycling at home and work, the blue bins will also be a more sustainable and a welcome addition to the stacks of boxes wholesalers currently provide to their customers for carrying home their purchased goods. Earth Friendly Distilling Co. packs the bottles in six-packs of the 1.75-L size, 12-packs of the 750-mL size and 24-packs of the 375-mL bottle size in each blue container. Fibrex Group (wwwfibrexgroup.com) supplies the HDPE container, which contains 25 percent post-consumer HDPE, and Smurfit Stone (www.smurfit.com) supplies the tapered partitions that go inside the containers and the lids for the containers, which have sides that fit down inside each bin.

According to Earth Friendly Distilling, these moves help advance its position as an environmental leader. The company uses biodiesel-fuelled machinery, state-of-the-art distillation equipment and recycled materials for its swing-top glass bottles and labels and donates to “green” charities for every bottle closure returned to it for recycling.

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