Hot-melt unitsHot-melt units
March 11, 2015

New D4-E gear-pump hot-melt units have been designed for applications ranging from light-duty, low-volume sealing to medium-speed, high-volume case sealing and product assembly. Available for 120 or 240 VAC operation, the new units are said to feature an easy-to-use LCD control panel and include programmable, sequential zone startup, automatic temperature setback, high/low temperature protection, high-pressure protection, a Fahrenehit or Centigrade option and a seven-day programmable clock. The D4-E units feature a positive displacement, motor-driven gear pump that offers a continuous, pulse-free output and can be used with spray, ribbon-coating, direct-contact and high-speed jetting adhesive dispensing guns.
Shure-Glue/Melton Systems, Inc., 513/874-6550.
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